Warabeya Nichiyo Group has been engaged in the production of bento meal boxes, onigiri rice balls, and other products since before the popularity of prepared foods eaten at home or at work, in other words ready-to-eat meals, and has dedicated itself to continuously providing safe, great tasting products.
Although the Japanese ready-to-eat meals market, which is estimated to have reached an annual value of 10 trillion yen, continues to grow steadily, customer demands are undergoing significant changes. Similarly, products offering long-lasting freshness, which have seen ballooning demand over the years due to improvements in quality and sales-related opportunity loss, have been experiencing dramatic growth in sales in recent years following changes in consumption patterns, preferences, and awareness of food loss. This is just one example of how the environment in which we are situated continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate.
Concluding in the fiscal year ending February 2028, under our five-year Medium-term Management Plan we have raised the targets of 250 billion yen in net sales and 10 billion yen in operating income. Centered on product development that pursues customer needs, we will strive to achieve our goals by improving profits in the domestic Food Production Business, expanding our overseas Food Production Business, and making the most of our integrated system that encompasses the entire process from ingredient procurement to production and delivery entirely within the Group.
We aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by creating smiles and by extending the stable supply of “foods” that are so essential to our lifestyles to the world.
We therefore humbly request your continued support as our stakeholders.