Under the statement of “We contribute to the healthy, abundant dietary lives of our customers by providing “safety” together with “products and services of value.” as raised in the Group philosophy, Warabeya Nichiyo Group aims to realize sustained growth for the Group and to help achieve a sustainable society through our business activities.
We recognize that in performing business activities we may directly or indirectly have an effect on human rights, and have therefore established this Human Rights Policy in order to ensure respect for the human rights of everyone involved in our business.
1. Basic approach to human rights
Warabeya Nichiyo Group supports and respects international norms regarding human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
2. Scope of application
This policy applies to all officers and employees* of the Warabeya Nichiyo Group.
Warabeya Nichiyo Group expects all business partners involved in the Group’s products and services to comply with this policy.
*The term officers and employees of the Warabeya Nichiyo Group refers to directors, corporate auditors, and other officers, as well as regular employees, contract employees, part-time employees, post-retirement rehired contract employees, and temporary employees at Warabeya Nichiyo Holdings Co., Ltd., and our affiliated companies.
3. System for promoting respect for human rights
To realize this policy, the Sustainability Committee promotes initiatives regarding respect for human rights under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
4. Implementation of human rights due diligence
Warabeya Nichiyo Group strives to develop and implement mechanisms for human rights due diligence based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
If an act that has caused, or facilitated, a negative impact on human rights is discovered, the Group will work to prevent or mitigate such impact.
5. Relief measures
Warabeya Nichiyo Group strives to avert, make early discovery of, and prevent the recurrence of human rights violations by properly managing internal whistle-blowing systems and by responding to complaints. In the event a business activity is found to have had, or been involved in, a negative impact on human rights, the Group will seek the necessary relief through the appropriate procedures.
6. Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
Warabeya Nichiyo Group sincerely engages in dialogue and consultation with stakeholders when there is a negative impact, or risk of a negative impact, on human rights.
7. Education and awareness activities
Warabeya Nichiyo Group promotes an understanding of this policy among, and provides appropriate education to, our officers and employees on an ongoing basis.
8. Disclosure
Warabeya Nichiyo Group discloses initiatives related to respect for human rights on our website as needed.
9. Key items and key initiatives
Warabeya Nichiyo Group has defined and engages in the following key items:
(1) Prohibition of inhumane treatment
(2) Prohibition of forced labor
(3) Prohibition of child labor
(4) Prohibition of discrimination
(5) Provision of safe, sanitary, and healthy working environments
(6) Proper management of working hours
(7) Guarantee of adequate wages
(8) Respect for the rights of children
(9) Provision of safe products and services
March 1, 2023
Warabeya Nichiyo Holdings Co., Ltd.
Hideo Tsuji, President